Order flow

  1. Select a product and put it in a shopping bag

    Click the "Add to Shopping Bag" button on the product page of your desired product. If you have any questions about the product,Inquiry formPlease contact us. 

  2. Continue shopping or go to check carts

    If you want to continue shopping, please look at another product as it is.
    After checking the shopping and purchased product, click the "Bag contents" button at the top right of the page and click the "Move to the cart" button on the displayed page.


  3. Check the contents of the shopping cart

    Please check if there is an error in the product in the shopping cart.
    If you want to delete the product, click the "Delete" button.
    If there is no problem with the display, please agree to the terms of use and the privacy policy and press the "Go to purchase" button in the shopping cart. Go to the payment page.

  4. Enter the required information / order

    After entering and confirming all necessary items, click the "Order" button.

  5. After the order is completed, a confirmation email of the order will be sent to the registered e -mail address.

    Until the product arrives, keep it without deleting it.